Hodgeblog - In at the deep end!

Hodgeblog - In at the deep end!

I don't do things by half!

This is something my family and friends have said to me on more than one occasion and this week is definitely no exception!

My first full week aiming at Hodgepodge becoming my full time role has been manic! Have you ever thought of something you would love top do, but then not had a clue where which way to go about it? I definitely have, and its usually at this point I throw in the towel in and think sod it, but something clicked this week. I realised something really important.

I'm sure at some point or another someone in passing has asked you "How are you?" or "Hows your day been?" right? It's something I get asked regularly when I am working on the till at my employed role and do you know what my reply has become? " Not bad". A double negative! Why?! is it the quintessential way of the British?  As strange as it sounds, this isn't the first time I have had this revelation. I realised it back in 2016 (The former most rubbish year ever pre-covid) It was the year we were losing lots of people early before their time. The likes of David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Victoria Wood, Muhammad Ali, Gene Wilder... I could go on. But that year I lost someone who meant so much more. My Dad. 

Sadly he was only 52 and was taken extremely suddenly with no warning and I crumbled.

There are no words that can describe that pain, and no one can understand your loss, yes many have lost loved ones, even lost their own fathers, however they didn't lose my Dad and our relationship. (This doesn't discount those who have lost others, but when someone says to you I understand, they really can't. They can empathise, sure,  but they are not mourning the relationship I had, equally I can't understand someone else's loss)

My Dad was a grafter and worked really hard. I get my love of selling products from him. When I was younger I would regularly run car-boots with him and when I was in my teens, we started to buy items from auction to sell on. The stall excitement, the chatter, I learnt it all from him. So how did I get through the pain of his loss?


I focused on everything positive, with every ounce of my being and it worked. Focusing on the positives turned my energy into a positive one, which was great for my health and well being.

But Covid seems to have sapped every bit of positivity out of a lot of us and I for one have fallen into bad habits (such as answering 'not bad' to the how are you question) 

So back to the revelation! Instead of saying sod it, I have started saying yes! In the matter of a week, I have booked onto two stalls (One which I ran today and yesterday, getting ready for a stall with less than one weeks notice was, lets say, interesting!) I have taken on a commission as well as secured a wedding planner to feature my products and have my blog up and running! Yay!

So yes I have jumped in at the deep end but I have loved every minute and I am still swimming!

The stall this weekend (30th & 31st August) has been one of my favourites I have ever exhibited at. Beautiful setting at Weston Park, great people and wonderfully organised!

I released new stock items and they went down a storm. I am over the moon to say takings were amazing. I won't go into figures, but my take home today (gross) was the same in two days as my employed role for the month! Not only that but I have been able to talk to my customers, catch up with fellow stall holders (If you love ceramics head over to She Shed Ceramics, Trudi does wonders with pottery, and if you love a tea cake, Dinkies are the guys to look for! even the honey bees on site agreed as they took over their stall in the final hour!) I also got to paint in a beautiful setting resulting in pictures that will create beautiful prints! 

It has massively spurred me on, so now is the time for more positivity!

When someone next asks me "How are you?" the answer will no longer be 'Not Bad' it'll be 'I'm great!'

A small step to positivity.

"Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results" - Willie Nelson.



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I noticed your facebook post about your blog, I wasn’t sure what to expect… but this has really left a mark. 2020 has been an awful year, but as you pointed out, any year can be your worst year. You have to draw strength, and continue on… as hard it may be.
On a personal note, I can wait to see my commission!
Deb x

Debbie Wigan

This has made me wear the broadest smile! I am so sincerely happy for you. You deserve happiness and success Tara and YOU WILL achieve this, I have no doubts. X

Katie Gudger

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